6 tahun sudah..
wah kejapnye masa berlalu..dah 6 tahun pon usia perkahwinan aku & suami terchenta..hikss..cepatnyee...dalam tempoh 6 tahun ni jugak la byk kenangan pahit & manis yg dah we ols tempuhi...dari susah ke senang...dr senang ke yg lebih selesa..Alhamdulillah...kami dikurniakan anak-anak yang cute & aktif..huhh...syukur sebab dikurniakan suami yang sgt memahami w/pon no sense...hehe terima kasih sbb sudi jaga anak2 while daku pegi buat bisnes..terima kasih sbb very supportive dlm bisnes yang sha buat ni...takpe nanti kat Hong Kong kita enjoyyy shopping k!!!ok la sempena anniversary ni we ols plan buat family photoshot utk kenang-kenangan...so last week we ols pegi taman metropolitan kepong utk merakamkan moment2 indah..wah ayat gitteww sgt kan...thanks khairi & zaid..cantek2 gambar..we loikee..so ni antara gambo2 nye..yg lain2 kt fb ye uolsss...
We would love not by finding a perfect person,
and learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
Love, true love, is something that can give the most
Without asking, without asking anything in return.
Where there is love, there is God.
All, everything that I understand
I understand only because I love.
Love cures people – both those who give him
and those who receive it.
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life:
That word is love.
and learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
Love, true love, is something that can give the most
Without asking, without asking anything in return.
Where there is love, there is God.
All, everything that I understand
I understand only because I love.
Love cures people – both those who give him
and those who receive it.
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life:
That word is love.

erkkk...apsal gamba kat page ko suram sgt ni??...check out page aku www.khairimalik.com