Seoul Korea - My 8th FOC Trip!

Friday, May 17, 2013 Sha Khalid 1 Comments

Alhamdulillah...I'm very very happy to announce yang our Shanghai trip already UPGRADED by the company to SEOUL, KOREA!!!

Boleh la feeling-feeling winter sonata..opss saya bukan peminat cerita tatau pon pasal pelakon-pelakon Sha follow cerita Julia & Awan Dania yang shooting kat Seoul, Korea kikiki..

Meh kita layan jap apa menarik kat KOREA!

First sekali N Seoul Tower, Gunung Namsan. Dekat sini la yang terdapat puluhan ribu mangga kunci atau 'Love Padlock' yang dorang gantung kat pagar yang mengelilingi N Seoul Tower. Nanti boleh la bawak padlock siap-siap and pasang kat sana dengan hubby kan hihihi

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and Nami Island!! bestnyaa kalo dapat pergi Nami Island. Winter Sonata shooting kat sini, drama Julia pon shooting kat sini ;-) Beautiful and romantic place I would say!

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Insha Allah the trip will be in September. Seriously tak sabar sebab this time around will bring new partners yang first time qualify so the more the merrier!!

'The ideal time to visit Korea is during the autumn months (September-November). During this time, the country experiences warm, sunny weather, skies that are cobalt blue and spectacular foliage that is perhaps the biggest draw.'

Anyone yang suka travel & interested to travel for FREE 3 kali selama setahun! 
Don't hesitate to call/whatapps/sms me Sha : 012-2151541
Insha Allah NEW FOC trip will be announced very sooon!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Syuhada, memang bestttt. :D Next trip pun ada jugak, tapi company tak announce lagi. Contact la kak sha, boleh k sha citer mcm mana k sha dpt trip free..


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