Enjoying the Business Life
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Dah masuk minggu ke-3 July kan..memang cepat betul masa berlalu sekarang ni..Sha rasa baru je start puasa now rasa dah nak raya dah..Weekend aritu pergi Omar Ali cari baju Syafi & Syakir pun dah ramai orang bershopping..Makin cepat dunia berputar sekarang ni eh
Sha just nak share my life as a businesswoman ever since Sha started this business journey until now. Actually bila buat business ni kita tak de la focus 100% on business sampai tak ada masa untuk buat benda lain. It's up to us how to manage our time. Still boleh pergi shopping, massage, pedicure manicure and etc in between appointment. Especially yang buat fulltime business lagi la banyak masa we all ada hehe...
Tapi today just nak share my business activity with business partners. Seriously i enjoy every moment with my business partners. I think dorang ni half of my life. Bila nak buat business ni we can share kisah suka & duka, and boleh bertukar-tukar idea. Mostly my business partners are strangers but Alhamdulillah lama-lama we all boleh jadi rapat & mesra.
So, sempena bulan puasa ni GLAM itself ada buat buka puasa bersama-sama di JW Marriot Hotel. Food was really awesome & we enjoyed the session very much.
So, sempena bulan puasa ni GLAM itself ada buat buka puasa bersama-sama di JW Marriot Hotel. Food was really awesome & we enjoyed the session very much.
Antara pics yang sempat disnap. Semua busy makan & borak |
Our business memang fully use Internet. My husband as a GURU for blogging will conduct the training every month. So that, semua akan dapat skills yang sama.
Blogging session |
One of the coaching session with DSM Arlina Majid, a Finance Director by profession |
May Celebration, DDM Ekah for Car Fund achiever |
Our big family! Celebrated Shaliza Aziz for CDM award! |
Photo session with our mentor CDM Hanis |
Photo session with partners after GLOW session |
Alhamdulillah with all these approach it is proven that there are so many successful entrepreneurs born in GLAM. We are not only learning how to succeed but we are also enjoying this journey together. Syukur and may Allah strengthen our relationship.

Thanks for dropping by. Let me hear from you.